Sunnah Councils
Benefits of Sunnah Councils:
Holding gatherings to listen to Hadith is one of the lesser-known Sunnahs that have almost disappeared. It is also one of the paths of the people of Hadith, both past and present. This practice has been passed down from the successors to the predecessors and from the elders to the younger ones. It is known from the trait of hearing councils in confirming the genealogies of the books, which are categorized under names such as evidence, licenses, sheikhdoms, dictionaries, indexes, and other things that students of Hadith and Athar teach.
The discussion here is not about mentioning the virtues of hearing gatherings, as this topic has extensive coverage in the delightful books of “Ulum Al-Hadith” (Hadith Sciences).
In other introductions to some of the books of parts, hearings, and sheikhs, authors have compiled them independently, especially in contemporary books.
Thus, hearing councils are a prophetic Sunnah, an archaeological method, a scientific hierarchy, a relative chain, and an Islamic characteristic that distinguishes Muslims from other nations.”
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